Aping Into APE Coin at $13.8902 with $1000 [YOLO]
Ape Coin Hit The Airways 8 Days Ago, Based on our Past Experience, We Knew After Listing The Token Tanks and It’s Best to Wait a Few Days Before APING into anything.
In this post we will see how APE is doing and give updates on our $1000 YOLO play over time. We will also show you how to find the first places that mentioned APECOIN on the web, and which Youtubers talked about it first. (This is hella useful, because you can review the history of coins that did well, then find the people who mentioned it first and follow them for future 10X opportunities)
Let’s see how it did..

Hmm, now it got listed and pumped, then dropped and now it’s going sideways (this is the daily chart). We got in at 13.89 which isn’t good, but its way better than the guys who got in at $18! 🙂
How To Find The Oldest Video for Specific Keyword/Topic (APECOIN) On Youtube
Did a bit of research to learn which Youtuber was the first to talk about APECOIN. TO do this, since Youtube (as far as we know) doesn’t have sort by date ascending/descending option we simply typed “APECOIN” then scrolled all the way backwards while showing newest first. Turns out, that Cilinix Crypto was the first one to post a Youtube video about it. Wondering how they knew, or why they were the first. This stuff is always interesting if you want to find new opportunities to APE into, look at the YT channels that first talk about stuff that 10x+ or more.

How To Find The Oldest Post / Topic / News Article about a specific Subject/Keyword (APECOIN) on Google Search
Sadly there’s no sort by oldest/newest on Google Search. There are no Google Dorks & Search Operators for this, not even if you manually play with the results in the URL field.
The best thing you can do is goto Google.com, and then click on advanced and select search by date range… last year.
And when search results appear, you have to go back to the last 2-3 pages and check how many days ago that was posted.
Once you find the oldest post, then you go back to advanced search results and update it to show posts before the last post that you found – this is to make sure you have the actual oldest post.
In our case, we’re trying to see WHO talked about APECOIN first. To do this we followed the above steps, and then when we learned our oldest date is March 16th by Crypto Briefing, we edit our results to look like this:

How To Find The First Post Ever Made About APECOIN on Twitter
Unfortunately twitter doesn’t have sort by date ascending/descending so we gotta do some h4x0r magic by using our data we learned from Google. So the earliest date on Google seems to be March 16th, 2022 by the block crypto.
We will start with that info and do this on Twitter search field.

First Person that mentioned it on twitter seems to be:

“#Collectibles #ApeCoin #BAYC #BoredApeYachtClub #YugaLabs Bored Ape Yacht Club’s $APE Coin: Release Date Confirmed For… https://nftevening.com/bored-ape-yacht-clubs-ape-coin-release-date-confirmed-for/… NFTs: http://ebay.us/dX4sQg“

TL/DR: CrypKnd called it first on twitter, correct me if I am wrong. https://twitter.com/@Crypknid
UPDATE 3/25 – Sold APE at Stop Loss Limit of 12.5 – $714 worth
UPDATE 4/11 – Ape is now at only $10.85 Looks like the hype didn’t measure up. It was a money grab for the ape holders who hold NFTs. I’ll continue holding this $200 or so worth I have left till forever. Crypto is gambling, and this is real life you see and read here on HodlerHero. Only play with what you can lose.
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