[DEFI YOLOs] DefiKingdoms / JEWEL-ONE Pair 280.4% Interest
This is going to be our 3rd shot at yield farming. First two (here and here) didn’t pan out too well, we lost money in both.
What we learned is to look at the charts, and see where the coin is. Is it high? Is it low? Is it going sideways?
Next up, we decided to try DefiKingdoms since it looks like such a fun project. APY’s are not what they used to be, they are right now only 280.x% but our goal is to finally make money vs lose money and generate us YIELD that we can actually use to make even more $$.

To get this done, we first started with USDT.
Sent $200 USDT from Binance to Metamask Wallet on the BEP20 BSC chain. They suspended HAROMNY withdrawals from Binance, so we need to use a bridge to get from BEP20 BSC to HARMONY Mainnet.
We added the HARMONY MAINNET using HARMONY’s official guide.
*NEVER EVER trust random sites online, always use official sites to not get ripped off.
Once we had money in our USDT on metamask and HARMONY added we used Synapse Bridge at https://synapseprotocol.com/ to move our USDT to USDC on Harmony Wallet.
ALWAYS Transfer $1 worth first, if it arrives then transfer the rest!!
After that was said and done we had $199 worth of coins and some ONE in our wallet.
Next we went into DefiKingdoms and created our avatar, after that we headed over to MARKETPLACE

Inside marketplace, we clicked on the TRADER at the LEFT to trade our USDC into ONE’s and JEWELs

After that we had to create our POOL by clicking on the DRUID at the top

Number of Tokens Bought | Total Spend in USD$ | Price Per Token | Date Purchased | |
Jewel | 13.3340 | $97.0 | 7.2746 | 02/14/2022, 13:25:26 |
ONE | 553.3800 | $100.0 | 0.1807 | 02/14/2022, 09:37:21 |
Next we create a POOL (JEWEL & ONE)
Then we need to head to the garden so we can deposit our seeds.

Click on SEEDBOX

Inside the SEED BOX we need to deposit our “POOL – ONE & JEWEL” so they can ‘grow’

After we’ve added seeds to our pool, we need to DEPOSIT them into the garden.

First we have to APPROVE and then go back and click DEPOSIT
After that we have to wait a few minutes, and if we go back to the SEED BOX and wait for it to load, we should see MANAGE button. After pressing that we can see our deposit. I’ve deposited 80 JEWEL:WONE’s and it already generated yield of 0.0003 Jewel.

Now its 2:07PM 2/14/2022, will post updates randomly to see how we’re doing.
Now it’s 2/14/2022 6:35PM
Our APY went down to 278.6
TVL went up to 169,986,671

Now it’s 2/14/2022 9:50PM
Our APY went up to 290% and TLV went down to $167,105,550

UPDATE: 2/15/2022 at 10:36AM
APR is at 278.4%
TVL is at 179,199,996 for this pair
21:50 on 2/14/2022 | Difference from previous | 2/15/2022 at 10:36AM | Difference from previous |
$167,105,550.00 | -$2,881,121.00 | $179,199,996 | $12,094,446 |
279% | 0.40% | 278.40% | -0.60% |
49.56% | 0.00% | 49.56% | 0.00% |
3.965 Jewel/Block | 3.965 Jewel/Block |

UPDATE 2/17/2022 11:31AM
Main tab:

Manage Tab:

I just learned we can use kingdom.watch to keep track of our investments on defi kingdoms easier. If you are wondering how to find out how much the value of your JEWEL-WONE value is. Use it.
JEWEL-WONE value is now $205.26 or 7-8$ more than when we started since we put in $197 worth of tokens. Great news.
2/17/2022 – 12:18PM – Adding $151.11 MORE USDC to DefiKingdoms
Transfered USDT from Binance Smart Chain via the Synapse Bridge to my ONE MM wallet. Then went to SUSHI swap, to swap $151.119 into ONE.

Had some ONE’s there, which I’ll leave that’s why we now have 817.9585 ONE’s in the wallet.

We will take half of our 806.072 ONE’s (so 403.036) and visit the MARKETPLACE and talk to the TRADER in there. Our goal is to pickup JEWEL.

We head back to the MARKETPLACE, and click on DRUID LAZARUS.
We need to create a liquidity seed, that’s the pair we want to put into our garden. So we need to put in JEWEL & ONE’s.

Now we must go back to the GARDENS, and put our JEWEL-WONE pair into our garden so it grows.

Now, we will add up our total deposits value using the Kingdom.watch tool.
It shows, we now have a total of $355.45 in JEWEL/WONE (Earlier today we had $205.26, so if we do the math we’ve added $150.19 in reality (if you remember, we started with $151.119 however we lost a dollar to the fees and transaction costs in the process)
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