[YOLO Plays] Defi Kingdoms JEWEL-BUSD LP $1000 investment
IMPORTANT NOTE: When working with bscBUSD it’s wrapped, meaning it went through the HARMONY BRIDGE. In order to send it to Binance, IT MUST BE SENT BACK via the bridge!! Otherwise it may be lost. ALWAYS ALWAYS send a tiny Ammont to ensure you don’t fuck up!!
Step #1) We’ve sent BUSD from Binance via BEP20 BSC protocol to our metamask.
Step #2) We’ve used harmony’s official BSC to ONE bridge to move the funds from our BSC wallet to our Harmony Mainnet wallet in MetaMask.
In terms of fees it was around 50 cents for $1000. I did a 20$ pre-test to ensure I don’t lose the funds and all goes as planned.
Step #3) Then we visit Marketplace and talk to the Trader in DefiKingdoms to trade 50% of our bscBUSD for JEWEL.
NOTE: The more bscBUSD we swap, the higher the cost per JEWEL.
IE: $10 stable to JEWEL it says its $7.248 per
$100 stable to JEWEL it says its $7.301 per
$500 stable to jewel it says its $7.53 per jewel if we trade
I DCA’d into swapping to get the $7.3x average per JEWEL.
If you were to load ONE and then swap it to JEWEL, it’s around 10 cents cheaper per jewel that way. I was lazy… so it cost me more.

So now we have 68.1986 jewels, and $520 (we’ll use only $500)
Step #4) Now we go and see DRUID LAZARUS in the Marketplace to create our Pool.

So there we have it

If we do the math, then we’ve invested a total of 68.1 JEWEL (*7.31 per jewel , total $479.811 worth) we lost money when we bought it, but they are worth more at market. So it’s safe to say our investment is $489 * 2 = $978 since LP’s are 50%/50% even split.
Step #5) Back to the Main Map, and then to the Gardens we go. There we click SEED BOX, find the JEWEL-bscBUSD pair
⚠—YIKES — I screwed up, and realized that the pool they have is bscBNB not BUSD. so I had to undo all the above.
Go back to the marketplace, see the trader, trade my bscBUSD to just BUSD, then go back to druid and add seeds to the JEWEL-BUSD LP.

So we’ve gone in with $495.165 in BUSD and 68.0237 JEWELS (50/50 ratio, so that’s $990.33, actually way better than my previous ‘fuck up’ so we win! YOLO!)
Step #6) Back to Main Map, visit the Gardens to deposit our seeds BABY!
Right now its 2/19/2022 3:45PM
our payout rewards looks like this:

We’re going in with this LP:

And we’re done ladies n gens

UPDATE 3/6/2022
Unfortunately, bad news. Due to the Ukraine/Russia War the Price of Jewel went from our buy price of $7.x to $4.27 at the time of this writing.

We earned so far 17.6 jewels, that we’re slowly moving into the bank for single staking inside Defi Kingdoms. If the price would’ve stayed at the price we bought it at, we would’ve earned $128 worth of jewels on our $1k buy in. which is not bad for around 2 1/2 weeks.
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